10 Do Not Do Items That Cause Loan Denials After Approval:

If you follow these guidelines you will help insure the success of your home loan!

  1. Do Not change employment, quit your job or become self-employed.

  2. Do Not apply for credit.

  3. Do Not excessively charge on your credit cards.  It can affect your credit score.

  4. Do Not cosign on a loan for anyone.

  5. Do Not quit paying your current debts.  Immediately notify your lender if you receive a collection notice.

  6. Do Not move your bank accounts.

  7. Do Not spend savings budgeted for your down payment and cash needed to close.

  8. Do Not take a loan out for down payment.  It is not allowed.

  9. Do Not deposit cash or other funds into your bank account that are not traceable.  Your lender is required to verify the origin of all non-payroll deposits into your account.

  10. Do Not fail to disclose any debts or pertinent information.

       (Child support, IRS payments, judgment payments, foreclosure, bankruptcy)


If you have any questions or concerns about purchasing a home please email or call Kris Bender
